View the State of Stafford as kind of my "I Am Woman Hear Me Roar" a la Helen Reddy. (Who Helen Reddy is you ask? Never heard the song? What are you a troglodyte? Don't know what that means... aw, never mind, here is a video of the song below and click the link for a definition.) The Belief Document of Stafford at 43 has a strong flavor of Marvin Gaye's"What's Goin' On," but MUCH lighter in tone. (You definitely know this song, right? If you don’t I really want to know, what is it like living under rocks? I am guessing they don't have the sounds of sweet soul music.) I am thinking every Wednesday I will have a Belief Document Wednesday blog that will address in more detail some of the things I discuss below. It is very Oprah of me I think….
In the first month of the year 2015 I can report the state of Stafford is good. I am pretty happy with myself. I like me. I am in pretty good physical shape, however I can't say so much for my hairline but I can walk a flight of stairs without being winded. I run every other day and do Pilates and CrossFit on the opposite days. I can still wear clothes from High School though it does me no good unless rayon print shirts, M.C. Hammer genie pants and/or overalls come back in style. I feel like I still have my mental faculties even though I will walk into a room with a purpose and totally forget why I am there. I think calmed with age, especially with regard to things I cannot change or control, attempting to live Niebuhr's "Serenity Prayer." Although the 2012 election and Facebook tested me. (Chris Rock recently said on Twitter, “Hey, I found a new app that tells you if people are racist! Its called Facebook!” and truer words have not been spoken. Although I have to admit, most of the comments were not at heart out of racism, but more due to the media’s lathering up of the electorate. More on that later.)
I believe in a higher power but I don't believe you have to belong to or go to a house of worship to be a good and spiritual person. Not to belittle those that do attend services. Good on you, actually.